The Maintenance Solution:

Tailored, Effective, Reliable

Research suggests that maintaining a healthy regimen may provide

long-term benefits for addressing various diseases.

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Maintenance Protocol

Maintaining a reduced protocol for at least six months, and possibly longer, is paramount for ensuring a sustained and comprehensive recovery.

While experiencing a positive turnaround in health is undoubtedly a significant achievement, it's essential to recognise that underlying environmental factors may persist and potentially contribute to health challenges in the future.

By continuing the protocol beyond the initial recovery phase, individuals can actively address and mitigate the environmental issues that may have initially caused or exacerbated their health concerns.


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$ 199 per month

Natural Immune Support

  • 2 grams ImmunifyShield per day


$ 799 per month

Natural immune support, hormone balance + restoration

  • 2 grams ImmunifyShield per day
  • 30 Cell Activation
  • 120 HGH applications
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$ 1,199 per month

Natural immune support, hormone balance + restoration and repair

  • 2 grams ImmunifyShield per day
  • 30 Cell Activation
  • 120 HGH applications
  • 30 System Detox
  • 30 Brain Function

Maintenance Protocol

This extended duration allows for a more thorough and holistic approach to wellness, focusing on short-term recovery and long-term health sustainability.

It provides ample time for individuals to implement lifestyle changes, engage in supportive therapies, and establish sustainable habits that promote overall well-being.

Emphasising the importance of ongoing care and vigilance underscores the commitment to addressing root causes and fostering lasting well-being, ensuring that individuals are equipped with the tools and support necessary for continued health optimisation.


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Copyright (C) 2024 Sudden Health Protocol. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Health Renewal Protocol, Calle Las Azaleas Marbella, Andalucia 29660 Spain


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